All Strap is one of the leading sources for strapping and shipping supplies online where you can find out what is strapping, and be informed about the different types of strapping used for shipping and commerce for businesses. Strapping can be used for many different applications from shipping to construction, and comes in a variety of different types to cater to any individual business’ supply needs for the load or project at hand.
Different types of projects require different strapping solutions, for example, if a business has the need to ship large stacks of pre-poured concrete, mouldings, brick, cement, steel I beams, rebar, wood, other construction materials, or anything that is tough, high tensile steel strapping would be recommended. But, if boxed goods are waiting to be stacked on a pallet and shipped out, the type of strapping used should be just as strong, but of a softer material such as nylon, polyester, or woven cord strapping so as to not damage the items to be shipped. Each type of strapping has specific methods of binding and tensioning, as well as sealing methods which are tailored to the strapping material at hand. Tools for hand tensioning are available for those who ship large pallets of goods every so often, while automated tools are recommended for those who have a need to frequently ship freight. There are special tools and spools for steel strapping as well, and buckles for the different types of nylon or cord strapping.
It’s always best to be educated on the type of shipping and strapping products a company will need for the goods which will be shipping out, because making the right choice will mean cost efficiency in the big picture. So, when it comes to strapping, companies can look to All Strap for a variety of affordable strapping solutions.